Reptile Surveys

Adder cropOur ecologists have a wealth of experience in reptile surveying, translocations and mitigation works. If a survey is required in order to assess reptile presence or absence, you can be sure we will provide reliable results. Our surveys are carried out strictly following guidelines – so they remain beyond criticism and there is no risk of your planning application being delayed due to inadequate surveying. Our experience ensures that if you do have reptiles on your site and mitigation and translocations are required these will run smoothly and costs are kept within budget.

Reptiles are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) (as amended). If your site contains sufficient areas of scrub, rough grassland or open woodland it is possible that reptiles are present. These habitats are often found on potential development sites – particularly when they have been left unmanaged for a number of years. Reptiles most commonly found on sites are slow worms, common lizards, grass snakes and occasionally adders. If present, reptiles would have to be moved (translocated) out of the development site into an appropriate alternative site before development could legally take place. Green Shoots Ecology can assess the likelihood of reptiles being on your site. If it appears reasonably likely they could be present we can carry out a full reptile survey for you. This will show which species (if any) are present and also provide an estimate of the population sizes. Alternatively it can show with reasonable certainty that they are absent. From the survey information we can advise on the level of mitigation required and the likely time it would take to move a population off site. A reptile translocation in general requires a minimum of between 30-90 days trapping, although for very small sites this can sometimes be reduced. By using habitat manipulation and high density trapping we can increase capture rates and reduce delay. Green Shoots Ecology staff have many years experience of working with reptile surveys and translocations. As reptile surveys can only be carried out at certain times of the year (usually March – September inclusive) it is best to seek advice concerning reptiles on your site at an early stage. During the optimal reptile surveying periods (April, May and September) we are especially busy so contact us early for reptile surveys during these times.

Call us on 07776 484947 (mobile) 020 8989 4114 (office) or email