Bird surveys – Nesting bird, breeding bird, wintering bird, black redstart, raptor and barn owl surveys

All birds are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981) (as amended). It is an offence to kill, injure or take wild birds. It is also an offence to take, damage or destroy a nest whilst in use or being built or to take or destroy eggs of any nesting bird. Further protection is given to certain more threatened bird species which are listed on Schedule 1 of this legislation. These include barn owls, red kites and kingfishers. These birds have additional protection, in that it is also an offence to intentionally or recklessly disturb adults while in and around the nest or to intentionally or recklessly disturb dependent young.

Green Shoots Ecology can provide the following bird surveys

  • Nesting or breeding bird survey
  • Wintering bird survey
  • Raptor survey
  • Barn owl survey
  • Black redstart survey
  • Skylark survey

Some bird surveys are seasonal or may take a number of weeks to complete. Because of this we it is advisable to take advice on bird issues at an early stage in the planning or development process. Green Shoots Ecology can advise on any mitigation required to avoid breaching legislation. On most sites birds are present and development may be delayed where nesting birds are present. The solution can often be simple, such as ensuring site clearance is carried out outside the breeding season.

Call us on 07776 484947 (mobile) 020 8989 4114 (office) or email