In Britain 18 species of bats can be found, all of which are protected under European law. Any structure or area where a bat roosts cannot legally be obstructed, destroyed or disturbed without a licence issued by Natural England.
Bats roost in a variety of locations. These can vary from areas on buildings such as roofs, under tiles or other features, areas underground such as tunnels and pipes and in trees under dense ivy, within cracks or holes and other features on trees. They forage around trees, rough grass, hedges, shrubs and waterbodies. Green Shoots Ecology are available to carry out scoping surveys to assess buildings and trees on site for likelihood of bat presence. These surveys can be carried out all year round. Where evidence of bats is found or it is considered likely that they roost on site a full bat survey would be required. We can carry these out for you and these can be used to obtain the necessary licence to carry out any development. A full bat survey can usually only be carried out between May and September. Early investigation of bat issues is recommended.