Green Shoots Ecology specialise in providing clear, practical advice and reliable services at highly competitive rates. Listed below are just a few of the clients our ecologists have previously worked with. We are based in Woodford Green, East London and provide ecological surveys, translocations of protected species, mitigation and habitat works to developers, architects, planners and councils. Company director and chief ecologist Dan Sullivan has over 19 years experience in ecological consultancy and is a full member of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM). All our ecologists are experienced and qualified. Why not contact us today for a free quote?
Our services include:
- Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey
- Scoping survey
- BREEAM ecology assessments
- Protected Species surveys – a wide range of species are covered
- Reptile and Great Crested Newt translocations
- Habitat management and creation
- Wildlife fencing
- Ecological Clerk of Works
Our ecologists have worked on many projects for a wide range of clients, a few of which are listed below:
Assura Properties
AWC Limited
Banner Homes
Bioscan (UK) Limited
Bickmore Associates
Mersea Homes
RDC Developments
Southend Borough Council
Clear Meadow Limited
FDC Homes
GKP Developments
Liz Lake Associates
Stadium Housing Association
Sunmit Homes Ltd.
Susan Deakin Ecology
Wembley City
Westwood Construction Services
Call us on 07776 484947 (mobile) 020 8989 4114 (office) or email